Mai Yamamoto Follow
Product manager in health tech with Ph.D. in Chemical Biology. I am passionate about building strong product teams and constantly learning something new along the way!
Posts by Mai Yamamoto
COVID-19: What we know, don't know and can do NOW
Originally posted on March 19, Updated on July 21, 2020, with new resources. As of now, virus causing COVID-19 is spreading fast in many regions of the world with growing death toll o...
In Science, Health, Jul 21, 2020COVID-19: 事実、まだ解らないこと、そして私達ひとりひとりができること。
今現在(3月23日朝10時 カナダ エドモントン)のデータでは、すでにイタリアで計5476人が亡くなり、中国での死者数をはるかに上回っています。カナダでは1432人が感染し20人が亡くなり、数としてはイタリアやイランなどと比べては格段に少ないですが、新しい患者数などや政府の対応についての状況は日に日に変化し、多くの人が不安を感じています。大学機関や多くの企業が自宅...
In japanese, Science, Health, Mar 23, 2020Is Sourdough Bread Healthy?
Several years ago I started making sourdough bread from scratch. I just wanted to try it. Since then, at least two loaves of bread come out of my oven every month. There are many blog...
In nutrition, bread, Dec 25, 2019言語、文化と性格の関係
In japanese, culture, language, Dec 08, 2019Language, Culture, and Identity
Do you speak multiple languages? If you do, does your personality seem to change depending on the language you speak?
In culture, language, Dec 07, 2019Blog with GitHub Pages and Jekyll
I started my blog project using GitHub Pages about two weeks ago. I always wanted to have my own website but I did not have a motivation to do so for a while. All the fun of daily ‘st...
In Jekyll, technology, Dec 03, 2019Rutabagaスープと農作物の栄養価が歴史的に下がってるかもしれない話
カナダに来てから10年ちょっと経ちますが、まだ調理したことのない野菜があります。そのひとつがRutabagaです。Swedeとも呼ばれるこの根野菜、上の写真の真ん中にある白と紫の丸っこい野菜です。北アメリカやヨーロッパでは一般的らしいのですが、日本では見たことがなくてどうやって調理したらいいかわかりませんでした。そんな時、YouTubeでGordon Ramsey...
In japanese, food, nutrition, Dec 02, 2019Did produce become less nutritious over time? Myths or Truths?
The other day, I was inspired by a cooking video by Gordon Ramsay and made a soup with rutabaga for the first time. It is the round root vegetable in the middle of the photo above. It...
In food, nutrition, Nov 27, 2019風車、挽きたての小麦粉とStamppot: デルフト(オランダ)
In japanese, travel, food, Nov 20, 2019Windmill, fresh flour and Stamppot: Delft, Netherlands
Back in June 2019, I had an opportunity to visit the Hague for a conference and explore a few nearby cities in the Netherlands. Luckily, my colleague and I met a local student who was...
In travel, food, Nov 19, 2019Welcome to Foods for Brain!
Welcome to my personal blog about food, science and lessons in everyday life! You will find posts in English and Japanese with slightly different contents. Posts in Japanese are tagge...
In motivation, japanese, Nov 17, 2019